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La grippe "porcine" a provoqué, au Mexique, des couvre-feux et l'invasion de l'armée dans les rues de Mexico (= loi martiale) !!!
Les USA sont les suivants sur la liste, bien entendu... quant à nos pays, ils ne sont pas à l'abri de ce terrorisme d'Etat !
Un article et un témoignage sont disponibles ici :
Les USA sont les suivants sur la liste, bien entendu... quant à nos pays, ils ne sont pas à l'abri de ce terrorisme d'Etat !
Un article et un témoignage sont disponibles ici :
Patmos- Avec Saint Joseph
- Messages : 1284
Inscription : 08/12/2008
"Tu ne tueras pas"
J’ai posté l’article ci-dessous en anglais. Néanmoins, je vais vous en expliquer le contenu.
Une femme de l’état de Washington et atteinte d’un cancer du pancréas en phase terminale a été la première a « bénéficier » de la nouvelle « suicide law » (ce que nous connaissons comme loi sur l’euthanasie, mais les mots utilisés – « loi sur le suicide » - vont bien plus loin, et laissent présager le pire) établie par l’administration si « philanthrope » du si « brave » président Obama !
Les USA s’enfoncent donc un peu plus dans la culture de mort…
Le danger provient surtout du fait que l’euthanasie permet aux médecins de TUER (employons le mot juste) des patients, transformant ainsi la mission de ceux-ci (sauver des vies) en mission de MORT.
Et si l’âge majeur, l’état mental sain et le consentement du patient sont requis POUR L’INSTANT afin de pouvoir les euthanasier, nous savons cependant que l’euthanasie est la porte grande ouverte, à terme, à des MEURTRES en série commis par les Mengele en blouse blanche des hôpitaux sur des patients parfois handicapés, inconscients ou incapables de comprendre ce qui leur est proposé !
Tout ceci s’est produit à la grande déception des militants anti-euthanasie (oh, pardon, j’ai encore oublié de remplacer le terme « militants » par le terme désormais employé aux USA pour désigner les activistes : celui de « dangereux terroristes domestiques »), et à la grande joie des défenseurs de la société de mort, présentée sous le terme de "compassion" ! L'inversion des valeurs est donc toujours aussi populaire aux USA totalitaires et mortifères...
Voici à présent l’horrible article des affreux mass médias, qui présentent le tout sous un jour tout à fait banal et optimiste…
Source :
Wash. state woman 1st death under new suicide law
By RACHEL LA CORTE, Associated Press Writer Rachel La Corte,
Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 16 mins ago
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Linda Fleming was diagnosed with terminal cancer and feared her last days would be filled with pain and ever-stronger doses of medication that would erode her mind.
The 66-year-old woman with late-stage pancreatic cancer wanted to be clear-headed at death, so she became the first person to kill herself under Washington state's new assisted suicide law, known as "death with dignity."
"I am a very spiritual person, and it was very important to me to be conscious, clear-minded and alert at the time of my death," Fleming said in a statement released Friday. "The powerful pain medications were making it difficult to maintain the state of mind I wanted to have at my death. And I knew I would have to increase them."
With family members, her physician and her dog at her side, Fleming took a deadly dose of prescription barbiturates and died Thursday night at her home in Sequim, Wash.
Chris Carlson, who campaigned against the new law with the Coalition Against Assisted Suicide, called the death unfortunate.
"Any premature death is a sad occasion and it diminishes us all," he said.
Compassion & Choices of Washington, an advocacy group that aids people who seek to use the law, announced her death.
Last November, Washington became the second state to have a voter-approved assisted suicide law. It is based on a law adopted by Oregon voters in 1997. Since then, about 400 people have used the Oregon law to end their lives.
In December, a district judge in Montana ruled that doctor-assisted suicides are legal in that state. That decision, based on an individual lawsuit rather than a state law or voter initiative, is before the Montana Supreme Court.
Doctors in Montana are allowed to write prescriptions for life-ending drugs pending the appeal. But it's unknown whether any actually have because there's no reporting process in place.
Under the Washington law, any patient requesting fatal medication must be at least 18, declared mentally competent and be a resident of the state.
Additionally, two doctors must certify that the patient has a terminal condition and six months or less to live, and the patient must make two oral requests 15 days apart, plus a written request that is witnessed by two people. Patients must also administer the drugs themselves.
Under the Washington measure, as in Oregon, doctors and pharmacists are not required to write or fill lethal prescriptions if they oppose the law. Some hospitals have opted out, which precludes their doctors from participating on hospital property.
Associated Press writer Curt Woodward contributed to this report.
"Tu ne tueras pas"
J’ai posté l’article ci-dessous en anglais. Néanmoins, je vais vous en expliquer le contenu.
Une femme de l’état de Washington et atteinte d’un cancer du pancréas en phase terminale a été la première a « bénéficier » de la nouvelle « suicide law » (ce que nous connaissons comme loi sur l’euthanasie, mais les mots utilisés – « loi sur le suicide » - vont bien plus loin, et laissent présager le pire) établie par l’administration si « philanthrope » du si « brave » président Obama !
Les USA s’enfoncent donc un peu plus dans la culture de mort…
Le danger provient surtout du fait que l’euthanasie permet aux médecins de TUER (employons le mot juste) des patients, transformant ainsi la mission de ceux-ci (sauver des vies) en mission de MORT.
Et si l’âge majeur, l’état mental sain et le consentement du patient sont requis POUR L’INSTANT afin de pouvoir les euthanasier, nous savons cependant que l’euthanasie est la porte grande ouverte, à terme, à des MEURTRES en série commis par les Mengele en blouse blanche des hôpitaux sur des patients parfois handicapés, inconscients ou incapables de comprendre ce qui leur est proposé !
Tout ceci s’est produit à la grande déception des militants anti-euthanasie (oh, pardon, j’ai encore oublié de remplacer le terme « militants » par le terme désormais employé aux USA pour désigner les activistes : celui de « dangereux terroristes domestiques »), et à la grande joie des défenseurs de la société de mort, présentée sous le terme de "compassion" ! L'inversion des valeurs est donc toujours aussi populaire aux USA totalitaires et mortifères...
Voici à présent l’horrible article des affreux mass médias, qui présentent le tout sous un jour tout à fait banal et optimiste…
Source :
Wash. state woman 1st death under new suicide law
By RACHEL LA CORTE, Associated Press Writer Rachel La Corte,
Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 16 mins ago
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Linda Fleming was diagnosed with terminal cancer and feared her last days would be filled with pain and ever-stronger doses of medication that would erode her mind.
The 66-year-old woman with late-stage pancreatic cancer wanted to be clear-headed at death, so she became the first person to kill herself under Washington state's new assisted suicide law, known as "death with dignity."
"I am a very spiritual person, and it was very important to me to be conscious, clear-minded and alert at the time of my death," Fleming said in a statement released Friday. "The powerful pain medications were making it difficult to maintain the state of mind I wanted to have at my death. And I knew I would have to increase them."
With family members, her physician and her dog at her side, Fleming took a deadly dose of prescription barbiturates and died Thursday night at her home in Sequim, Wash.
Chris Carlson, who campaigned against the new law with the Coalition Against Assisted Suicide, called the death unfortunate.
"Any premature death is a sad occasion and it diminishes us all," he said.
Compassion & Choices of Washington, an advocacy group that aids people who seek to use the law, announced her death.
Last November, Washington became the second state to have a voter-approved assisted suicide law. It is based on a law adopted by Oregon voters in 1997. Since then, about 400 people have used the Oregon law to end their lives.
In December, a district judge in Montana ruled that doctor-assisted suicides are legal in that state. That decision, based on an individual lawsuit rather than a state law or voter initiative, is before the Montana Supreme Court.
Doctors in Montana are allowed to write prescriptions for life-ending drugs pending the appeal. But it's unknown whether any actually have because there's no reporting process in place.
Under the Washington law, any patient requesting fatal medication must be at least 18, declared mentally competent and be a resident of the state.
Additionally, two doctors must certify that the patient has a terminal condition and six months or less to live, and the patient must make two oral requests 15 days apart, plus a written request that is witnessed by two people. Patients must also administer the drugs themselves.
Under the Washington measure, as in Oregon, doctors and pharmacists are not required to write or fill lethal prescriptions if they oppose the law. Some hospitals have opted out, which precludes their doctors from participating on hospital property.
Associated Press writer Curt Woodward contributed to this report.
Patmos- Avec Saint Joseph
- Messages : 1284
Inscription : 08/12/2008
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