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Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju Bannie10

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Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju Bannie10

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Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju

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Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju Empty Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju

Message par p13843 Sam 7 Aoû 2010 - 4:57

Decree of the Archbishop of Kwangju
Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju Kjca

I, Andreas Choi Chang-mou, A rchbishop of Kwangju, exercising this episcopal office according to the gracious concern and mandate of the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, and thanking God always for His mercy and grace, promulgate, after serious reflection, the following decree for the unity and communion of the ecclesiastical community (Cf. Can. 391):
First , I judge that ¡®those who believe in Julia Youn in Naju and all related phenomena' no longer have the intention to be in unity and harmony with the Catholic Church , because they have not acceded to and have opposed archdiocesan notifications (on January 1, 1998 and on May 5, 2005) and pastoral directives (on May 5, 2001 ). When between March and August 2003 I and accompanying witnesses visited the place of Julia Youn Hong-sun and her husband Julio Kim Man-bok and talked with them, I asked them to lead a normal life of faith ay Mass at the parish, to receive the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion[color=#336666] (Cf. Can. 920,989), and to donate the denarius cultus to the parish] and I presented directives (to submit records of fund raising and of all gifts and goods received). They, however, have ignored these requests and directives. Moreover, they have not acceded to the final warning of the archdiocese in February 2005. Instead they have continuously claimed that ¡®Julia Youn in Naju and all related phenomena' are a ¡®private revelation' or ¡®miracles'. They have also raised money for the construction of an alleged ¡®temple'. They have pretended to be recognized by the Roman Pontiff or the Apostolic See. Through printed materials and online media (such as public relations brochures, publications, newspaper articles, the internet, and so on), they have libelled the Archbishop of Kwangju, and the Korean bishops, and even the entire Catholic Church in Korea.
Therefore, I am led to the final conclusion that their actions and attitude are not in accord with Catholic practice and thought and that they are not promoting a sound devotion and cult.
Thus, I declare that the clergy, religious, or laity who preside over or attend the celebration of the sacraments or sacramentals, against my prohibition, at any alleged ¡®oratory' or the ¡®hill of Our Lady in Naju' incur a latae sententiae excommunication (Cf. Can. 1336,1364). In doing so they are disobeying the pastoral directives and judgement of the Ordinary and they are thereby breaching Canon Law (Cf. Can. 1369,1371,1373) and destroying ecclesiastical unity and communion. This decree binds all the clergy, religious, and laity in the Archdiocese of Kwangju as well as all the faithful in the Catholic Church.

Second, I confirm that Fr. Aloysius Chang Hong-bin, a priest of the Archdiocese of Kwangju, no longer has the intention to be in unity and harmony with the archdiocesan presbyterium , because he claims that ¡®Julia Youn in Naju and all related phenomena' are a ¡®private revelation' and ¡®miracles' and that following them is a matter of choice that the faithful make in accord with their ¡®conscience'. Also on several occasions he has not observed the solemn promise of obedience to his Ordinary that he made at ordination. He has not changed and defended his opinion regarding ¡®Julia Youn in Naju and all related phenomena' in two meetings with the Archdiocesan College of Consultors (on June 1, 2007 and on January 15, 2008). Thus, he has shown himself as ¡®one of those who believe in Julia Youn in Naju and all related phenomena' rather than a diocesan priest who observes the obligation of obedience to his Ordinary (Cf. Can. 273,278).
Therefore, Aloysius Chang Hong-bin no longer possesses the title and rights of a priest of the Archdiocese of Kwangju, and all ¡®common faculties attaching to diocesan priests in Korea' previously bestowed by sacred ordination are revoked (Cf. Can. 194,1333,1336,1371).
I pray to God that, through His infinite mercy and grace, Julia Youn in Naju and her followers may recognize their errors as quickly as possible and through the Sacrament of Reconciliation return to the Catholic Church, the only place where they can participate in a true divine cult with the blessings of harmony and unity. May Mary in her Immaculate Conception, as the Mother of our Redeemer and our Mother also, and Saint Joseph , the Patrons of the Church in Korea, and all the Korean Saint martyrs, pray for us.

January 21, 2008
On the Feast of St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
Archdiocese of KwangjuDécret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju Choie
Archbishop Andreas. Chang-mou CHOI
Décret d'excommunication de la voyante de Naju Gong0611
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